The locals love for the growth and fruit of the vine, gave birth to the Cotnari vineyard. The wine road is long but full of rewards: Cotnari wines are very diverse in character so be sure to encounter your own.
We will also visit Cucuteni, the oldest civilization in Europe, predating the civilizations of Sumer and Ancient Egypt the hundreds of years.
The Painted Monasteries of Bucovina are amongst the most picturesque treasures of Romania. Whether you are interested in religion, art, architecture or history, both the exterior and the inferior of these edifices will make you want to discover more about their story. Their outstanding composition, the decor, the elegant outline and harmonious colors blend perfectly with the surrounding landscape.
Eight of the churches were placed on UNESCO’s World Heritage list (Suceava, Voronet, Moldovița, Gura Humorului, Arbore, Probota and Pătrăuți).
Today we will see the most famous of them: Voronet Monastery, often called “the Sistine Chapel of the East”. Erected in 1488 by Stefan the Great in only 3 months and 3 weeks, Voronet’s most important feature is a Last Judgement fresco painted on the exterior facade. The blue paint that has miraculously never faded is known throughout the world as “Voronet blue” and stems from the semi-precious stone “Lapis Lazuli”. The artists worked here in isolation, guarding their trade secrets and even today, the composition of the paint remains a mystery.
The traveler who comes to Bucovina will have the opportunity to taste the local food. Both experts and beginners in gastronomy will be impressed by what is called the Bucovinean food. The culinary identity was kept intact here, people are still proudly cooking using natural ingredients, most of them from their own garden.
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